Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2025 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church
The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by Vice-President Vic Laubach.
Membership: Mona Bearor reported 10 new members this month for a total of 203 members.
Recent Sightings: Greater White-fronted Goose, 8 Sandhill Cranes at Cowbane Preserve, Tundra Swan, 36 Ring-billed Gulls, Purple Finches, Red-headed Ducks, Ring-necked Ducks, and a huge group of approximately 500 Robins in one flock.
Nature Camp: All 5 of our scholarship campers are registered and ready to go this summer.
Field Trips: January field trips were to McCormick’s Mill and Bells Lane.
Christmas Bird Counts: Participants in the Augusta County CBC reported 80 species with highlights being a Great Egret and Red-breasted Mergansers. The Waynesboro CBC is still being tallied.
The Great Backyard Bird Count is organized by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Audubon Society, and Birds Canada and will be held February 14-17. Everyone was encouraged to get out and bird those 4 days and report their findings through eBird. This is a great opportunity to participate in citizen science.
Volunteer Opportunities: The ABC will have an exhibit at Earth Day in Staunton on April 26 and Riverfest in Waynesboro on May 3. Club members are needed to staff these exhibits. It’s easy and fun.
Hospitality: Linda Matkins is organizing Birds and Brews/Warblers and Wine social events for the club. The first will be in March. Details will be forthcoming.
Board Position: A new ABC board president is needed. Everyone was encouraged to consider volunteering for this position and other roles within the club.
Program: Mike Hayslett presented, “Wild Life of Vernal Pool Wetlands”. We learned that vernal pools are ancient and ecologically unique environments, some persisting since the ice age. They are critically important habitats for many species and need to be preserved and enhanced. – Marilyn Nash, Secretary
January 13, 2025 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by President Rich Wood.
Upcoming Field Trips: Allen Larner will lead a trip to Highland County on Saturday, 1/18. Penny Warren will lead a trip on 1/27 to Bell’s Lane.
Recent Sightings: There are many interesting sightings reported including Short-eared Owls, Lapland Longspurs, a Rough-legged Hawk (Mt. Sidney), Eastern and Western Meadowlarks (Albemarle County), American Tree Sparrow and Virginia Rail (Lake Shenandoah), Fox Sparrows, Purple Finches, Grackles, Brown Thrashers, Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, Red-breasted Nuthatch, a Barn Owl, and Northern Harrier. At the Fishersville Quarry the following are being seen: Ring-necked Ducks, a Red-headed Duck, Gadwalls, Green-winged Teal, Coots. Two Bald Eagles are on a nest at Barren Ridge.
Membership: Mona reports we have 165 paid memberships with an additional 35 still to renew. We welcomed 6 new members over the past month.
Club Exhibits: Two important festivals are coming up in the spring at which the club has exhibits – Earth Day in Staunton on April 26 and Riverfest in Waynesboro on May 3. These are very well attended community events and our ABC exhibits get a lot of attention. Volunteers are needed for 2–4-hour shifts.
The Great Backyard Bird Count is February 14-19th. All are encouraged to participate in this count which is a collaboration between The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, The National Audubon Society, and Birds Canada. All you have to do is count birds wherever you choose, for a minimum of 15 minutes, any time over the 4 days. Then you report your findings through e-bird/Merlin. For more details go to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website. By participating you will be contributing important scientific data for bird conservation.
Hospitality: In order for members to have more opportunities to socialize, Linda Matkins suggested restarting Birds and Brews. Her idea was met with enthusiasm by all.
Program: “Gardening for Birds” presented by Dr. Robyn Puffenbarger. Some takeaways from this program: (1) Our homes are critically important ecosystems from the bottom to the top of the food chain. (2) Strive for 70-80% native plantings on your property. Be careful when determining what is a native. Some cultivars can be ok, but native is best. (3) Simply getting rid of invasives such as Bradford Pear, Autumn oOive, Privet, Multiflora Rose, Burning Bush, etc. allows natives the opportunity to return. Dead trees are good habitat. (4) Resources for what to plant include the book, Natures’s Best Hope, the Flora of Virginia app, Audubon Society website, Digital Atlas of Virginia, Plant Ridge and Valley Natives created by the Virginia Native Plant Society, and many more. (5) Examples of very beneficial plants/trees include Crabapples, Broom sedge, Serviceberry, native Willows, Juneberry, Hackberry, Red Mulberry, Fringe Tree, Beautyberry, native Honeysuckle, Trumpet vine, Black Haw Viburnum, Purple Top Grass, Mountain Mint, native Sunflowers, etc. It is very important to decrease your non-native grass lawns. Local resources for native plants include but are not limited to Hummingbird Hill Natives, Natural Garden, Blue Ridge Prism, 7 Bends Nursery, Center for Urban Habitats.
The Augusta Bird Club will be creating a page on our website devoted to improving habitat for birds by planting native plants. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm. – Marilyn Nash, Secretary
November 11, 2024 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church
The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by President Rich Wood.
Membership News: Mona Bearor reported that we currently have 205 members. Several new members were in attendance and introduced. Many members conveniently renewed their membership on the seed sale form but those who didn’t were encouraged to renew.
Field Trips: (1) Andrew Clem led a hike to Chimney Hollow and Braley Pond. They found Winter Wrens, a Brown Creeper, and Ruby-crowned Kinglet. (2) Jo King led a walk to McCormick’s Farm. They found a Gadwall, Rusty Blackbird, 3 Red-shouldered Hawks, a Red-tailed Hawk, and Kestrel. (3) Penny Warren led a walk at Bell’s Lane. They found Black Vultures, a Savannah Sparrow, and a Northern Harrier were among their findings.
Recent Sightings: Members reported finding Fox Sparrows, a Merlin, Woodcock, Hermit Thrushes, and a remaining Catbird.
Hawk Watch: Vic Laubach reported the HW is going well. In spite of periods of bad weather, they have had 370 hours of monitoring covered so far. Broad-winged Hawks, Merlin, Peregrine, and Bald Eagle numbers are up. The watch continues until November 30.
Seed Sale: Crista Cabe reported a good year with gross seed sales of more than $27,000. This is the first year the pickup was at Augusta Expo and it went smoothly. $1,000 worth of extra seed was sold that Saturday partly because of a large craft fair at Expo. Nature Campers and club members were enthusiastic volunteers. Parents of the Nature Campers told club members how important the scholarships have been for their children and all were very grateful for the support.
December Meeting: Our annual holiday party will take place December 9th at 6:30 pm, upstairs in this building. This is a potluck with the club providing drinks and meat, and members bringing side dishes and dessert.
Christmas Bird Counts: The Augusta County CBC will take place on December 15th with Allen Larner coordinating. The Waynesboro CBC will be January 5 and Crista Cabe will coordinate. Anyone wishing to participate should contact the coordinators.
Nature Camp: Sarah Foster reports that, thanks to profits from the seed sale, full and partial scholarships are available for Nature Camp 2025. She encouraged everyone to recruit campers. Applications can be found on our website and the deadline for submission is December 15.
Program: Jeff Wright gave a lively presentation entitled “Birds, Climate, and Citizen Science”. He discussed how climate change is affecting birds and how everyone can contribute to important research through programs such as the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s eBird and Merlin.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm. – Marilyn Nash, Secretary
October 14, 2024 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Rich Wood.
Recent Sightings: Most unusual was a rare endangered Kirtland’s Warbler at Coyner Springs Park in Waynesboro. White-throated Sparrows are back. Additionally seen have been a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Marsh Wren, and a Harrier at Bell’s Lane. A few Ruby-throated Hummingbirds and Catbirds remain. There was a large warbler fallout after Hurricane Helene (or Milton?). A Great Horned Owl has been regularly hooting near South River in Waynesboro.
Field Trips: On October 16 Jo King led a hike at McCormick’s Mill. 31 species were seen/heard including a Canada Warbler. Since Yulee Larner began these monthly field trips in 2003, 181 species have been recorded at McCormick’s Mill.
Seed Sale: The online store is up and running. Orders can be made through this store or mail in forms. Everyone was encouraged to order early and a lot! Profits from the sale go to scholarships for Nature Camp. The seed is of excellent quality, formulated for this area, and this year’s crop. Pick up date is November 9 and we have a new pick-up site at Expo in Fishersville. Club membership can be renewed at the same time you order seed. Help is needed the day of pick-up so contact Linda Matkins if you can assist.
Hawk Watch: Vic Laubach reported the watch is going well and they have had good counter/observer coverage. Total number of raptors is approaching 32,000. Several days have been rained out. Broad-winged Hawk numbers are approximately 29,000. Ospreys are doing better than last year. Good Sharp-shinned Hawk, Merlin, and Peregrine numbers. Thirteen Mississippi Kites, 1 Swallowtail Kite, 3 Golden Eagles, and a Swainson’s Hawk have been recorded.
Nature Camp: Sarah Foster reported that applications are being taken for 2025 Nature Camp in Vesuvius. Everyone is encouraged to recruit campers. The ABC seed sale profits provide scholarships every year for campers.
Donation: Marietta Beverage donated a number of birding books for members to take for free.
Mark Kosiewski reported a high number of bird/window collisions and deaths during the recent warbler fall out. Lynne Parks will be giving a program on this topic at an upcoming meeting. More education needs to reach the public on how to prevent this.
Mark also suggested a committee be formed to look at eBird hotspots in the area and make improvements to the reporting.
Program: “Birding at the Canopy Lodge and Tower in Panama”. ABC members Lisa Hamilton, Ann Cline, Linda Matkins, and Marilyn Nash reported on their most enjoyable trip to Panama in April 2024.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. – Submitted by Marilyn Nash, Secretary
September 9, 2024 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 by President Rich Wood.
New members were introduced.
Newsletter: The newsletter will now be published quarterly instead of monthly. For additional and updated information everyone is encouraged to go to our website,, Each month a brief email will be sent to members reminding them of activities of the month and other important information.
Nature Camp: Sarah Foster reported that our Nature Campers had a successful camp this year. Applications are now being accepted for scholarships for the summer 2025 camp in Vesuvius. Applicants should be rising 5th-12th grade. All information is on our website. Our annual seed sale profits go to fund these scholarships. Please advertise the camp far and wide, and buy lots of bird seed!
Bird Seed Sale: Our annual bird seed sale is fast approaching. All information about this very important fundraising venture will be sent out soon. We have a new pickup site at Augusta Expo in Fishersville. Pickup is scheduled for November 9. Money raised from this sale goes to Nature Camp Scholarships. And the birds love it! Order a lot.
Field Trips: Trips in August included McCormick’s Mill with Jo King, Highland County, and Bell’s Lane with Allen Larner. Check our website for updated field trip information going forward. We’ve learned Staunton Parks and Rec are now offering bird walks.
Hawk Watch: This year marks the 49th year of officially counting hawks on Afton Mountain. This years’ Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch will continue through November. Eight Mississippi Kites and one Swallow-tailed Kite are early exciting sightings, along with an unusual Swainson’s Hawk. Broad-winged Hawk numbers will be increasing soon and peaking later this month. Everyone is encouraged to visit and look for hawks. Next year is the 50th anniversary year and the club is considering an organized celebration. The watch site on Afton Mountain is under consideration for redevelopment and the club will monitor this situation with the goal of continuing the watch there indefinitely.
Program: Vice-president Vic Laubach taught us about 2 important free birding apps, eBird and Merlin, created by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Through eBird you can easily collect data both for your own birding records, but also as citizen scientists we can contribute to Cornell’s massive database which uses this data for research of all kinds. Merlin is an amazing tool that helps us learn to identify bird sounds. Vic also demonstrated another helpful app called The Warbler Guide which can be particularly useful at this time of year as warblers are migrating through our area. We were encouraged to take some time to explore the many facets of these apps and enjoy our birding even more.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.– Submitted by Marilyn Nash, Secretary
April 8, 2024 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Rich Wood.
Recent Sightings: Brown Thrasher, nesting Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Purple Finches, Blue-headed Vireo, Louisiana Waterthrush, Great Egret at Augusta Springs, Green Heron, Pied-billed Grebe, Red-breasted Merganser, Virginia Rail at Cowbane, Hermit Thrush, Fox Sparrows, 50 Cedar Waxwings facing into the eclipse. The nest with 2 eaglets in New Hope is doing well. Sadly, the 2 Great Horned Owlets at the JMU Arboretum have disappeared. The Sangers Lane heron rookery is very active.
Field Trips: (1) Jo King will lead a trip to McCormick’s Mill on 4/10. (2) Allen Larner will lead a group to Honey Grove looking for Red-cockaded Woodpeckers on April 13.
Volunteer Opportunities: Earth Day Staunton is April 20 at Gypsy Hill Park. Riverfest is in Waynesboro on April 27. Volunteers are really needed to represent the club at our booths. These are important and well attended events and will be good publicity for our club. Please contact Rich Wood, to let him know you will help.
Education/Conservation: The Bluebird Trail boxes at Bessie Weller Elementary have been repaired and relocated for better use and monitoring by the students.
Website: Vic Laubach has spent considerable time and effort updating and revamping our website. We all appreciate this important component of our club. The URL is Everyone is encouraged to visit the site which contains a wide variety of information. Vic is looking for pictures of local birds so everyone is encouraged to send their favorite pictures to him. Please include the location and date taken.
May Meeting: McCormick’s Mill will be the site of our May meeting. Jo King will lead a bird walk followed by a potluck brunch. Meet in the parking area at 8:00 am?
Elections: The annual ABC board elections were held. All current board members were willing to serve another term. There were no nominations from the floor. The club unanimously elected Rich Wood as president, Vic Laubach as vice-president, Marilyn Nash as secretary, and Mona Beard as treasurer.
Program: Dr. Robin Puffenbarger, Chair of the Dept. of Biology at Bridgewater College, shared many bird specimens from their collection. Among many interesting facts presented was how we see the colors of bird feathers. Green and blue colors are actually not pigment in the feathers but rather a combination of light and the structure of the feather. The iridescence of hummingbird feathers is also structural, not pigment. Yellows, reds, and oranges come from carotenoids in the diet. Browns and chestnuts come from melanin in the feathers. We thank Robin for sharing these specimens with us.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. -Marilyn Nash, Secretary
March 11, 2024 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Rich Wood.
New members Donna and Matt were welcomed. Rich encourages everyone to bring a friend and help grow our club. Meetings are open to the public.
Recent Sightings: Migrants are just starting to appear. Birds of note are Grackles, Red-winged Blackbirds, Canvasbacks, Phoebes, Goldfinches, Fox Sparrows, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Towhees, Woodcocks, and Tree Swallows.
Field Trips: The February McCormick’s Mill field trip led by Jo King found 30 species. Her next trip there is 3/20/24. The Bell’s Lane field trip found a Bald Eagle and lots of Bluebirds. The Cowbane Prairie in Stuarts Draft where members frequently bird has construction going on around it and parking may be an issue. Weekends may be better.
Newsletter: We need a new newsletter editor. The newsletter is a very important way to communicate within our club and the public. It is not difficult to do and Rich will train you. You don’t need special knowledge or advanced computer skills. Please consider helping out in this manner – go ahead, just do it! Please let Rich know that you can help.
Hospitality: The setting of our May brunch was discussed. The decision was made to hold it at McCormick’s Mill on May 11. Details will follow.
Education: Recent calculations indicate that since 2005 this club has contributed over $50,000 in scholarships to Nature Camp for 99 children. That is something to be very proud of.
Virginia Home Grown is a public television program whose mission is “….to enrich growers and gardeners of all levels by connecting to new voices and fresh ideas, to highlight the unique richness of gardens and natural ecosystems throughout Virginia, and serve as a resource for our community.” Our own Robyn Puffenbarger was recently featured on a program and is a regular contributor. Check it out on VPM.
Program: We learned how magical and extraordinary hummingbirds are from Bruce Peterjohn through his zoom program, “Everything You Wanted to Know About Hummingbirds But Were Afraid to Ask”. He has been banding hummingbirds and doing research on them for many years. Increasingly more hummingbirds are appearing in Virginia during winter months. If you find such a bird you can contact Bruce at
The program adjourned at 8:15 pm. -Marilyn Nash, Secretary
February 12, 2024 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by President Rich Wood.
Upcoming Field Trips: (1) 2/19 Bell’s Ln, Staunton, 8:00 am, (2) 2/21 McCormick’s Farm, 9 am, (3) Highland County. Check website for details.
Recent Sightings: The heron rookery on Sangers Lane is starting to see arrivals. Approximately 200 American Pipits were seen on White Bridge Rd, and Eagles on Barren Ridge Rd. Woodcocks are dancing at Beagle Gap in Shenandoah National Park and Cowbane Prairie Preserve. Purple Finches and Shrike are on Livick Rd. The Gray-crowned Rosy Finch is still in Amherst. Pine Siskins, Fox Sparrows are also about.
Membership: Time to pay dues if you haven’t already.
General News: The Great Backyard Bird Count is scheduled for 2/16 to 2/19.This is a collaboration between the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Audubon, and Birds Canada. – Rich has created a survey asking members what programs they would like to see. Please fill one out. You can also make suggestions to Vic Laubach. – Volunteers are needed for the Earth Day exhibit on 4/20 in Staunton and Riverfest on 4/27 in Waynesboro. Let Rich Wood know. – The club is seeking a new newsletter editor. Newsletters are sent out by email from September through May. Training is available. Let Rich Wood know if you can help.
Conservation/Education: Lynne Parks reports DCR needs volunteers to conduct a bird survey in the spring on approximately 40 acres near Quillen’s Pond. They will be doing some restoration work there and want to know what birds are there prior to their work. Let Lynne know if you can help. – The Staunton Library is conducting 2 birding workshops, one on birding basics and one 2/17 on bird illustration.
Program: Leslie Sturges, founder of Bat Conservation and Rescue of Virginia, gave a program entitled “Bats: The Animals, the Myths, and Reality.” We learned about the beauty, magic, and critical importance of bats in Virginia and everywhere. We met Birch, a non-releasable Big Brown Bat and watched him gobble down mealworms. Leslie can be contacted at if you have questions or concerns about bats. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. – Marilyn Nash
January 8, 2024 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Vic Laubach at 7:00 pm.
Donations: Several pieces of art by Ray Harm were donated as a fundraiser for the club. Also, several nature books were donated.
Recent sightings: Bell’s Lane provided great entertainment for a group of club members by a cooperative Barred Owl, as well as Short-eared Owls. A Bald Eagle was sighted bathing at Lake Moomaw, a Ruffed Grouse was at Braley Pond, Crossbills were at the Breast works, a Loggerhead Shrike was seen on Livick Rd, and Horned Larks were on Guthrie Rd.
Christmas Bird Counts: The Augusta County CBC was held December 17th. 78 species were found including 2 Cackling Geese. The Waynesboro Count was held December 30th. It was a windy, slow day for birding. Crista Cabe will compile a report.
Upcoming Field Trips: Allen Larner will lead a group to Highland County on January 20th. Jo King will lead her monthly field trip to McCormick’s Mill on January 17th.
Membership: We have 2 new members which places our membership at 195.
Nature Camp: Sarah Foster reported that we have 6 applicants for camp. Three will receive full scholarships and 3 will get partial scholarships.
Program: Vic Laubach gave a delightful presentation on his trip to the Galapagos in June, 2023. – Marilyn Nash, Secretary
November 13, 2023 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Rich Wood. He welcomed all and introduced board members and committee chairs.
Recent Sightings: Nashville Warbler, Cedar Waxwings, Ross’s Goose, Short-eared Owls, Purple Finches, Fox Sparrows, Red-breasted Nuthatch. A flock of approximately 300 American Pipits were located, as well as 34 Rusty Blackbirds. A Ruby-throated Hummingbird remains. It seems they are staying later every year.
Field Trip Reports: (1) 32 species were found at the recent McCormick’s Mill hike. (2) The Augusta Wetlands trip found 21 species, including a Winter Wren. (3) The Bell’s Lane hike found 42 species, including a rare White-winged Scoter. (4) The Boy Scout Camp hike was quiet but did find Catbirds, Palm Warblers, and Savannah Sparrows.
Bird Seed Sale: Crista Cabe reports 16,700 pounds of seed were sold. She thanked all the excellent volunteers. The final money results will be available soon. She reports the last 3 years have maintained excellent sales.
Christmas Bird Counts: The Augusta County CBC is December 17. Contact Allen Larner if you’d like to participate. The Waynesboro count is December 30, with a tally dinner following. Crista Cabe is coordinating this count.
December Holiday Party: Our annual potluck dinner will be December 11 at 6:30 pm upstairs at Covenant Presbyterian Church. Meat and drinks are provided. Bring a side dish to share.
Program: Bobby Whitescarver discussed “Environmental Issues in the Shenandoah Valley.” – Submitted by Marilyn Nash, Secretary
October 9, 2023 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Rich Wood. He welcomed all and introduced board members and committee chairs.
Recent Sightings: Hummingbirds are still here in good numbers. Also seen are returning Juncos, a Nashville Warbler, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, and both Kinglets. The Hawkwatch participants observed Double-crested Cormorants and a group of Great Egrets!
Field Trip Reports: Allen Larner led a trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway, where he was buzzed by a Screech Owl. The 9/30 hike on Bell’s Lane found 45 different species. Upcoming walks are (1) McCormick’s Farm with Jo King on 10/18, and (2) Andrew Clem will lead a walk at the Boy Scout Camp on 10/28.
Hawkwatch: Vic Laubach reports approximately 28,000 Broad-winged Hawks so far this year, with 8,600 in one day. Bald Eagles and Merlins are doing well at 100 and 32 respectively. Osprey and Harrier numbers are down so far. One Golden Eagle has been counted. The watch continues through November 30. Counters are needed. If you are interested in learning more about the Hawkwatch or how to become an observer or counter, go to the Rockfish Gap Hawkwatch link found on the Augusta Bird Club website,
Birdseed Sale: Crista Cabe reported that the sale is ready for orders. You can order online through our website, pick up a printed order sheet at the meeting, or mail in your order from the form that will be mailed to all members and past participants. We were reminded that the proceeds from this sale go to Nature Camp scholarships, so everyone was encouraged to order a lot! The birds and Nature Campers thank you.
Bird Banding: John Spahr requests help next May and June during the banding of Kestrels and Screech Owls in Highland County. Anyone interested should let him know.
Project FeederWatch: The Cornell Lab of Ornithology conducts citizen science research on birds at feeders from November through April. If anyone wants to participate go to
Christmas Bird Counts: Allen Larner will coordinate the Augusta County count on December 17. Crista Cabe will coordinate the Waynesboro count, with December 30 the probable date. Anyone wanting to participate can contact the coordinators.
Membership: We currently have 189 members.
Program: Megan Thomas from the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources gave an amazing program entitled “Rebound of Virginia’s Peregrine Falcons and the History of the Richmond Falcon Cam.” The falcon cam follows a Peregrine nest on the Riverfront Plaza Hotel in Richmond from spring through fledging. – Submitted by Marilyn Nash, Secretary-
September 11, 2023 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Rich Wood.
Recent Sightings: Night Hawks, Chimney Swifts (775 at Stuart Hall in Staunton), hummingbirds, and many warblers.
Field Trip Reports: (1) On 9/2/23 Allen Larner led folks to the Blue Ridge Parkway, where they saw 30 different species, including a Screech Owl. (2) Andrew Clem led a hike to the Shenandoah Mountain Trail in Highland County where they saw a Black-throated Green Warbler, Redstart, Scarlet Tanager, Pewees, Pine Warbler, and Ruffed Grouse. Upcoming trips include Augusta Springs, Bells Lane, and McCormick’s Mill.
Newsletter and website: Rich Wood is our Newsletter Editor. Everyone is encouraged to read our monthly newsletter for a variety of interesting articles, field trip information, and much more. Anyone wanting to put something in the newsletter should contact Rich. Andrew Clem is in charge of the website. It is being redesigned and regularly updated for both our members and the general public. It will have the latest information on hikes, club contact information, the birdseed sale, and more. Past newsletters will be available on the website.
Hawkwatch: Vic Laubach is the Hawkwatch Coordinator. He reports that bird numbers are good and that they have a good number of volunteers to help with spotting and counting. Anyone interested in becoming a counter or observer should contact Vic. He will be giving a presentation on 9/12/23 at the Wayne Theatre in Waynesboro on the Watch. All are welcome. The site of the Hawkwatch, The Inn at Afton, continues to deteriorate, and its future is uncertain. The owners of the property have always liked the Hawkwatch, and Vic is going to talk with them about the future of this site for the Watch.
Birdseed Sale: Crista Cabe is coordinating the sale and working hard on negotiating prices and ordering seed. Order forms will be available by the end of September. Orders need to be received by 10/27. Pick up is 11/4 at the Government Center. This is our only fundraiser of the year and is so important because the money raised is used for Nature Camp Scholarships.
Conservation: Lynne Parks leads this committee and has been hard at work on several projects. (1) Hikes have been led at the Boy Scout Camp. (2) Work continues at the Montgomery Hall native plant garden. (3) The Bessie Weller Nature Trail is almost finished. Lynne is always looking for more help both from individuals and the community to work with these projects.
Christmas Bird Counts: The Augusta County CBC is scheduled for Sunday, December 17. Allen Larner is coordinating. Crista Cabe leads the Waynesboro count; its date is not yet decided.
Membership: We currently have 170 members.
Program: Sara Holberg gave the presentation on “Keeping Augusta County Bird Friendly: Perspectives from a Land-Use Planner.” She discussed land use and gave examples of good and bad. She stressed that partnerships are needed and encouraged everyone to get involved in preserving land for wildlife and all of us. – Submitted by Marilyn Nash, Secretary
April 10, 2023 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 by President Rich Wood.
Recent Sightings: At Cowbane preserve – Vesper Sparrow, Snipe, Common Yellowthroat, Cliff Swallows. Augusta Springs – Virginia Rail. Waynesboro- Trumpeter Swan. Big Levels – Whip-poor-will and Chuck-will’s-widow. Bell’s Lane – Brown Thrasher, Catbird, Black-throated Green Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler.
Field Trips: The Chimney Hollow hike found several Louisiana Waterthrushes, 2 White-breasted Nuthatches building a nest, turkeys, Blue-headed Vireo. Allen Larner’s trip to Piney Grove did not find Red-cockaded Woodpeckers but another try is scheduled for 4/15/23. Upcoming hikes are to McCormick’s Mill, Bell’s Lane, and Cowbane Preserve. Everyone should check information about field trips on the newly designed Activities Section of the ABC website.
Education: The ABC will be represented at 2 upcoming community festivals: Earth Day on 4/22 at Gypsy Hill Park in Staunton, and Riverfest on 4/29 at Constitution Park in Waynesboro. More volunteers are needed for Riverfest. Contact Rich if you can help. These types of activities are important ways to promote birding and our organization. Your participation is needed.
Conservation: (1) Lynne Parks is preparing coloring pages and “seed bombs” for the Earth Day ABC table. (2) She has given 2 very successful walks at the Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind.(3) She will give a talk at the Waynesboro Fish and Game meeting. (4) On 5/6 at 9 am she will lead volunteers from the ABC at the Cowbane Preserve where we will pull invasive plants. All are encouraged to help.
Hospitality: The final meeting of this ABC year will be May 13th at the Humpback Rocks Picnic Area. We will bird from 8:00-10:00 am followed by a potluck brunch.
Board Elections: Members unanimously elected the following board members for the upcoming year: President and newsletter editor – Rich Wood. Vice-president – Vic Laubach, Secretary – Marilyn Nash, Treasurer – Mona Bearor. Rich will be taking over the editor role from retiring Andrew Clem, who has served creatively and valiantly for several years. Rich has a new computer program that will give a different look to the newsletter, while continuing to provide all important information. He plans to provide monthly newsletters throughout the summer which will also be new for this club.
Raptorthon: Vic Laubach will lead a group of highly skilled ABC members on a fundraising Raptorthon in May. They will attempt to break their previous record of 111 avian species (not just raptors) seen over a 24-hour period. Funds raised will benefit our local hawk watch and also HMANA (Hawk Migration Association of North America). You can donate by going to their website, or contact Vic.
Program: Our speaker for the evening was unable to attend due to a family emergency, so Vice-president Vic Laubach stepped in to give a program on eBird. EBird is a vast program developed through the Cornell University Lab of Ornithology that encourages anyone, of all skill levels, throughout the world, to list birds they identify. The information can be maintained for the individual birder, but most importantly goes into a vast database that is analyzed and used to benefit birds across the globe through scientific research and conservation. To learn more about eBird, and many other Cornell lab features such as Merlin, a sound ID program, go to or the Cornell Lab website. The ABC will have future programs on technology to help us enjoy birding even more. – Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Nash, Secretary
March 13, 2023 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Rich Wood.
Recent Sightings: The Trumpeter Swan remains on the Ivy St, Waynesboro pond. Also found around our area were Blue-winged Teal, Ring-necked Ducks, Wood Ducks, Coots, Northern Harriers, and Bald Eagles. Woodcocks were seen and heard in abundance at Beagle Gap on Skyline Drive. Hummingbirds are expected approximately 2 weeks early this year.
Field Trips: Allen Larner organized a recent field trip to Lake Anna which found 45 species. Allen will lead a trip to Piney Grove to look for Red-cockaded Woodpeckers on 3/18. Allen will also lead a trip to Chincoteague on 4/28-29. Penny Warren will lead a trip to Bell’s Lane on 3/20. Andrew Clem will lead a trip to Chimney Hollow on 4/8.
Website: Andrew has been making some formatting changes to our website. Field trips and activities are now more prominent and user friendly.
Robin Puffenbarger, also a member of the Rockingham County Bird Club, announced the completion and sale of the new edition of their Birds of Rockingham County publication.
The Education Committee and Conservation Committee did not have reports.
Membership Committee: We have 3 new members which puts us to 162 members.
Nominating Committee: We technically do not have an active nominating committee to elect ABC board members. Everyone in attendance was encouraged to place nominations for President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, and Newsletter Editor in the provided container or contact any board member with input. The club will vote on these positions at the April 10th meeting.
Activities: The club has good volunteer coverage for our table at the Earth Day celebration in Staunton on April 22. But we need more volunteers for Riverfest in Waynesboro on April 29. Riverfest is a very entertaining, educational event celebrating the South Rover and its environment. It is attended by thousands of people every year and is great exposure for our club. If you can help for even a short time that day, please contact Rich Wood.
Our May meeting will be held on May 13 at the Humpback Rocks picnic area on the Blue Ridge Parkway. There will be a bird walk first with a delicious potluck brunch afterwards.
Program: Ashley Peale, avian ecologist from Virginia Tech reported on the Second Virginia Breeding Bird Survey. Ashley is in the process of organizing and interpreting the vast amounts of data accumulated, some of which was contributed by ABC members. There was some good news and some not-so-good news for our breeding birds, but Ashley left us with hope that gathering information like the VABBS will be very important for conservation efforts. – Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Nash, Secretary
February 13, 2023 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by President Rich Wood.
Volunteer Opportunities: Rich put out a call for volunteers to represent the ABC at two upcoming events: (1) Staunton’s Earth Day celebration on Apr. 22; and (2) Riverfest in Waynesboro on Apr. 29. We will have tables at both events and encourage new members to get involved by sharing the joys of the ABC and birding with the public. Field Trips: McCormick’s Mill hike is a delightful, easy hike each month led by Jo King on a Wednesday, date to be announced. Allen Larner is working on trips a little farther afield to Lake Anna, Piney Grove, and Chincoteague. The club is trying to schedule more trips both local and more distant. A suggestion was made to establish a system whereby individuals could contact other members for a spontaneous birding activity. This will require more planning.
Recent Sightings: Members mentioned seeing a Bonaparte’s Gull, Eurasian Wigeons, Common Goldeneye, Tundra Swans, Merlin, Red Crossbills, Saw-whet Owl, a Great Blue Heron rookery, Woodcocks, Purple Finches, Brown-headed Nuthatch, and Evening Grosbeaks.
Bird Feeding: Many members put meal worms out as part of their bird feeding smorgasbord. A member suggested a more nutritious (and American-made!) alternative to be Black Soldier Fly Larvae. These can be purchased at New Country Organics in Waynesboro and the Augusta Farm Co-op.
Membership: Mona Bearor reports that we currently have 137 paid members.
Conservation: The Virginia Native Plant Society has created a book of plants native to our area. Native plants support insects/caterpillars which support our birds and other wildlife. The Board agreed to purchase a certain number of these books and thus we will be included in their promotion. We can resell them as a fundraiser for our club. The books will soon be available for purchase.
Program: Our scheduled speaker was unable to attend due to Covid exposure, so President Rich Wood gave a delightful, informative presentation on Owls of Virginia, complete with photographs and remarkably realistic vocalizations. The meeting ended at 8:10 pm. – Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Nash, Secretary
January 9, 2023 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Vic Laubach at 7:00 pm.
Recent Field Trips: A trip to Highland County and Lake Moomaw found Bald Eagles, including an occupied nest, Golden Eagles, Ravens, Ringnecked Ducks, Buffleheads, Common Mergansers, Horned and Pied-billed Grebes, a Loon, Barred Owl, and Lesser Scaup.
Recent Sightings: Red-necked Grebes, Eurasian Wigeons, immature Bald Eagle in Swoope, and the Loggerhead Shrikes on Cattleman Rd. & Livick Rd.
Upcoming Field Trips: McCormick’s Mill on 1-18-23. Waynesboro Christmas Bird Count: Crista reported a good count and will compile results for future reporting.
Membership: We are pleased to welcome 5 new members. (Editor’s note: Even more people have joined since then!)
Nature Camp Scholarships: With money raised primarily from the bird seed sale and also private donations, the ABC is able to provide full scholarships to 5 students this year.
Volunteers Needed: With our new and improved display we need volunteers to help with the ABC table at (1) Earth Day in Staunton’s Gypsy Hill Park on April 22 and also (2) Riverfest in Waynesboro on April 29. These are 2 fun, easy, interesting events and you are needed to bring the ABC message to the local public. Please put these dates on your calendars and be prepared to help take a shift.
Conservation: Lynne Parks reports that the Native Plant Garden in Montgomery Hall Park has gone well. She is reaching out to Waynesboro City to see if a similar project could be initiated there. She is also exploring a project at the Cowbane Prairie Reserve that would potentially include a day of pulling invasive species and a bird walk.
Program: Ed Clark of The Wildlife Center of Virginia shared the excitement of the 40th anniversary of their founding and some of the extraordinary, broad reaching impacts of their rehabilitation, research, advocacy, and education work with wildlife. They have outgrown their current facility and are embarking on a major expansion at the current location. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm. – Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Nash, Secretary
November 14, 2022 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Recent Sightings: (1) Swoope – Allen Larner led a field trip that found 41 species including a Redheaded Woodpecker and Bald Eagle, (2) Penny Warren led a trip to Bell’s Lane and they found a Pintail, Mergansers, and Black Ducks. In addition, individual members have seen Juncos, Vesper Sparrows, a Wilson’s Warbler, Purple Finches, Fox Sparrows, Golden Eagles, Hermit Thrush, Rusty Blackbirds, Woodcock, and a large flock of American Pipits.
Hawk Watch: The Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch will continue through the end of November. Vic Laubach reports good numbers of hawks overall. Osprey numbers are lower than normal, Sharp- Shinned and Redtailed Hawks numbers are up, along with Golden Eagles.
Bird Seed/Feeder Sale: Crista reports the sale was once again very successful. Over 8 tons of seed were sold with a net profit of over $7,000. These funds will be placed in our Conservation/Education Fund which provides scholarships for Nature Camp and donations to worthy conservation organizations. Thank you to the committee that organized the sale, volunteers, and all that bought seed and feeders for our feathered friends.
Christmas Bird Counts: Audubon’s CBC is the longest running citizen science project in the world. This year the Augusta County CBC will be on December 18th. Allen Larner is coordinating. The Waynesboro CBC will be December 30 with Crista Cabe coordinating.
Treasurer’s Report: Mona Bearor reports our finances are healthy. She has sent contributions to conservation groups as approved by the board.
Membership Report: Membership is currently 150 members. Many renewed their memberships via the seed sale form. Those that didn’t will get renewal letters in December.
Conservation Report: Lynne Parks reported on the Montgomery Hall Park native plant garden. Sixty plants were put in this year along with a sign and stepping stones. More plants will be placed in the spring.
Hospitality: For the first time in 3 years, we will have a potluck Holiday Party! The club will provide meat and drinks. Everyone should bring side dishes and desserts. Rich is going to set up a revolving slide show of bird photos that members provide. Please send Rich ONE of your favorite photos.
Exhibits: Rich has been assessing, amassing, and organizing our exhibit materials. We have a new tablecloth with our logo for the table. We now have a more professional presentation for future exhibits. Thank you Rich for taking on this project.
Program: Ryan Lepsch and Virginia Greene from the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Natural Heritage South River Restoration Project spoke to us about the Cowbane Prairie and Lyndhurst Ponds Preservation Areas. We learned that the focus of state parks and preservation areas is different. State parks are developed more for public access and recreation, while preservation areas focus more on preserving the resource and unique features found on them. Access to these 2 preservation areas is not advertised, but is allowed with permission from Ryan. Funds from the DuPont settlement have contributed to the acquisition of land and work on these areas. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM. -Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Nash, Secretary
October 10, 2022 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order by President Rich Wood at 7:00 pm.
Recent sighting highlights: At McCormick’s Mill – Red-headed Woodpecker, Bald Eagle. At the Blue Ridge Parkway – Baltimore Oriole. At Bell’s Lane – Nighthawk, Purple Finches, Red-breasted Nuthatch. Also in the area – Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, Merlin, Semipalmated Sandpiper, Avocets, Lincoln’s Sparrows, and Fox Sparrows. Members birding at the Eastern Shore found American Oystercatchers, Godwits, Whimbrels, and Ruddy Turnstones.
Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch: Vic Laubach reported average numbers of hawks so far this year. Sharpshinned numbers are high, Cooper’s Hawks and Osprey numbers are lower than normal. One unusual sighting was a Swainson’s Hawk, a western bird. So far 23,600 Broad-wings have been counted, with over 9,000 on September 15th. The open house on the 17th went very well, with several wonderful exhibitors. If anyone would like to observe, the best hours are between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. Counters would love some company. Volunteers are needed for a Winter Raptor Survey. The duties are minimal: During December, January, and February participants count raptors one or more times per month on a designated route. If you would like to participate or want more information, contact Vic Laubach.
Seed Sale: October 20 is the deadline to order seed. Pick-up is November 5 at the Government Center. The funds raised at this sale allow us to give scholarships to Nature Camp.
Christmas Party: For the first time in 3 years, we will have an in-person Christmas party on December 12. Details to come.
Nature Camp: A new page about Nature Camp has been added to our website with lots of information, including a scholarship application. The deadline to apply is December 15th. Thank-you notes from our scholarship recipients can be found there. And it’s not just for kids, check out the adult session too!
Christmas Bird Count: The Augusta Christmas Bird Count will be Sunday, December 18th. To participate in this citizen science project, contact Allen Larner.
Membership: Mona Bearor is the new Membership Chair (in addition to being our Treasurer). She reports 136 members. You can either renew your membership on the Bird Seed Sale form or else contact Mona via e-mail or at our monthly meeting.
Bell’s Lane: The kiosk at Bell’s Lane needs repairs. Please let Rich Wood know of any carpenters that could help.
Program: Joe Keiper, Director of the Virginia Museum of Natural History in Martinsville, discussed their ornithology collections and the satellite museum coming to Waynesboro. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm. -Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Nash, Secretary
September 12, 2022 Minutes, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by our new president, Rich Wood.
Summer/fall sightings: Wilson’s Warbler, Sanderlings, Tennessee Warbler, Summer Tanager, Short Billed Dowitchers, Avocet, Buff-breasted Sandpipers, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and a possible Allen’s Hummingbird.
Nature Camp: The Club gave 5 full scholarships to Nature Camp last summer. Hayden Terry, 13-yearold Shelburne Middle School student and 2nd-year scholarship recipient, reported on her summer. She specialized in ecology and loved the educational opportunities as well as her connections made with the other students and staff. She expressed enthusiastic appreciation to the Club for her scholarship.
Budget: Volunteers are needed for a budget subcommittee to evaluate our yearly contributions to other organizations. If interested, please contact Treasurer Mona Bearor.
Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch: The annual count began on August 15. Vic Laubach is the coordinator. The open house is September 18th and volunteers are needed for the ABC table. More experienced counters and observers are needed. If you have a serious interest in learning about hawk counting, please contact Vic.
Conservation: Lynne Parks is working on the Native Plant Garden at Montgomery Hall Park.
From the President: Rich Wood begins his reign as president of the ABC. He is eager to partner with other conservation organizations and to grow the club wisely. He encourages all members to get involved in club activities.
Program: Kristin Fuoco of USDA-NRCS presented a program, “Private Lands Conservation for the Golden-winged Warbler and Other Wildlife”. -Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Nash, Secretary